Hello Michael!
How are you ? I hope fine :)
Inspired by the last post of James, I want to ask you something related to "2d workflows".
I don't know what you're currently working on, but I want to remind you a very important area that need to be improved: tools for curves.
1) A new and improved "rebuild" command
2) New API methods that can give us at least the access to the inner structure of the curves (knot points, control points)
3) An improved "offset" command
4) The chance to easily pick one or more control points of a curve and easily change their "type": from "sharp" to "not sharp"
...other things that now I can't remember :)
As you can see I didn't specify details for the points from 1 to 3 but I know that you know what I'm talking about ;)
Thanks a lot and have a nice day!