Hi 3DFanatic, you're welcome!
> do you have plans to give more control on skinnier objects so the fillet can
> be reduced past the .01 setting?
You can do that currently, for your particular case here 0.01 is about the maximum size that will fit, but you can go smaller than that if you want. For example here it is with 0.001 units:
With skinny objects if you get weird results try using smaller and smaller values, don't stop at say 0.1 units, keep going smaller and smaller to get a good idea of what's going to be possible to actually fit there.
With your shape here, a fillet of radius 0.05 takes up this much room just for one side:
It can be a good idea for objects with very small sized features like this to be modeled at a larger scale, like say build this object at 10 times larger than what you've got right now so that you're not working with too tiny values.
- Michael