Just some suggestions:
- Enhanced Blend bulge control... individual bulge controls for beginning, end, and inserted control shape-points, as well as control for each side of the bulge
- Cage editing (warping) which would allow for more free-form shaping and shearing. (especially shearing!)
- Logical Grouping... at least an attribute that would claim objects to be owned by a group for easy selection.
- Duplicate objects, or objects created as a result of Flow (or any other process) could carry object names with an iteration number added so that selection would be easier.
- Could someone here write a script that could store and retrieve camera/view attributes? (I'm finding this more needed for work where I need to manipulate 3D type)
Great work Michael! Thank you for listening and being there for us users. You've gone above and beyond to provide us with this praise-worthy program.
I can't wait to purchase the upgrade!