Lofting Hull and Fuselage

 From:  Elrico (ELRICK)
6887.42 In reply to 6887.41 
Hi Michael,

"But I'm sorry I'm not really quite sure if that's the kind of scaling you're referring to or not, you may need to explain what you're looking for in some more detail."

What I meant is to have the ability to Scale a part in all three dimensions rather than uniformly. When a rectangle prism is scaled the offset between the, original and scaled, surfaces wont be equal. I will share examples when I have some time. Not entirely sure but I think mesh mixer have this function where you could adjust the l/w/h of the bounding box. That way, when you do a boolean subtract, you could have a much more accurate "skin" rather than shelling gone bad. The inside of this fuselage aren't a concern really. But I need to cut on as much unnecessary geometry as possible.
