very close

 From:  Michael Gibson
6875.60 In reply to 6875.58 
Hi David,

> Hi , I ordered MoI V2 one month ago , how do I get the free V3 upgrade ?

I'll be setting up a web page where you'll be able to put in your v2 license key and then get the v3 upgrade if you've ordered v2 recently like you have.

I don't have it set up quite yet though, it will take me a few more days yet or possibly a week before I will have it set up.

In the meantime you can get the v3 beta version from here: - it's pretty much the same software as the final v3 version except that it will expire in a couple of months. But the beta version will allow you to use v3 now with your v2 license until I get the upgrade mechanism worked out.

- Michael