MoI wishlist

 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.89 In reply to 6864.88 
Hi Mike, thanks for your input!

There was an old MergeObj.exe utility program, but it didn't merge different entire OBJ files together, it merged any different objects within a single OBJ file together into one single object. Some info here: . I've removed it since the option to merge same named objects does the same thing directly built in to MoI's regular export.

The "Insufficient memory" problem doesn't have to do with video card memory, it's due to running out of system RAM - MoI is currently a 32-bit program and can only address up to about 3GB of your system RAM before its 32-bit address space is all used up. For MoI v4 I've been doing a major rewrite specifically to deal with this so MoI v4 will be a 64-bit program and will be able to use all available system RAM, so that should solve this problem at least if you have plenty of RAM installed on your system.

re: different mesh settings for different surfaces in one single export session - I've thought about that before but it just inherently adds a significant amount of complexity to numerous things, just one example is that what if you needed to repeat the export after making some changes, would you really want to have to go through the steps of going through tuning all the individual settings all over again for each export? That seems like it would be problematic. Probably it would make more sense to have something that you could set up before doing the actual export where you could tag some surfaces with their own settings and those would then override the main dialog settings at the actual export time. But there would certainly be a lot of work involved in setting that up and I'm just in general not a big fan of that type of mechanism where something like the mesh export dialog controls don't have any visible effect on the current export due to some special override being set previously. That's the general kind of pattern that tends to lead to great confusion at some point later on when someone forgets they engaged some special override and wonders why their regular settings adjustments are having no effect.

- Michael