MoI wishlist

 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Hi Michael!

Just minor wishes, no priority...

1. Lower-Poly-Tessellation Proxy view port geometry or bounding boxes when manipulating the view or working with object.

Okay, so I know that programs like SketchUp does this, when the view is stationary and you aren't moving any surfaces, Moi can generally update the view port with fine tessellation, but when moving, zooming or whatever, dealing with models with a lot of complex and 'heavy' objects or using Moi on older video cards will cause the display to lag. Switching to a low-poly (high Angle setting) version or using bounding boxes in the worst loads might ensure that the model view can be manipulated at a 'comfortable' and efficient frame rate.

Maybe an [Auto] option for the viewport Angle setting - Moi would detect when the frame rate lags too slow in manipulating the view port and throttles the setting higher in angle to speed things up without the user worrying about it. (this could be computed on a separate thread so that there is no wait time when re-tessellating)

2. Slight Improvements to tessellation export (.OBJ, etc)

The "Insufficient Memory" thing is a buzz-kill but I do understand that it may be tied to video card memory... (maybe instead, it could just not show the object in view but process it algorithmicly anyways. ...I speak as a layman)
I wish that a scene could be exported all at once instead of having to export different sections only to re-combine them in the renderer... and on that note: wasn't there an .OBJ combining EXE? I swear I used one before but can't find it.

My main request for the export would be to allow separate tessellation setup factors for individual surfaces within one export session. Nothing complex or intrusive. Maybe just a button that says [fine tune selected] and like, if I had a roundish box with a button on it, I could add more detail to the button object and then let everything export at once.

3. N-Gon Patch tweak. Couldn't there be a special case with three or four-sided surface holes that the patch would use a single surface (most optimized to match the tangent continuity of the associated surfaces) instead of doing the star pattern on them? Or essentially like a Blend surface patch that would also match the sides.

4. Remember when you teased us with the possibility of a control cage deformer? (sigh...)

5. Rebuild to work with surfaces... and can work for joined surfaces.

Has anyone written a script that would place little ticks or tiny colored lines on the outside facing normal which would also be distributed to show surface continuity? I don't think Thea Render cares which side is which (a relief)