MoI wishlist

 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.73 In reply to 6864.72 
Hi Karsten,

> But one Thing I didn't understand - what is it caused by, that the Event for "click", can't
> select a custom command?

It just means that there is not currently any infrastructure in place to allow the middle click to be customized to do different actions.

Customizing middle mouse button behavior just does not happen automatically with every single program - there are things like UI that needs to be created to allow it to be changed. Currently there isn't anything set up to do that.

I have not really figured out what to do with the middle mouse click as of yet, it's possible that by default I'd like to make it pop up a toolbox of a few frequently used commands or something like that.

Because of the problem that I described that you wouldn't be able to get regular pointpicking snapping feedback, it would maybe be a little awkward for the mouse button to be configured like you are describing, so it could mean it would not be on a list of standard fixed behavior options but rather something that required some kind of more flexible and customizable script to be set up in response to the click.

> Or is it in principle not possible to get click- and "mousebutton down Events alternatively?

It is possible in principle, it's just not something that has been implement as of yet.

Sorry maybe I have misunderstood your original post - when you wrote "is it possible" I thought you were asking if it was possible to make the current version of MoI behave like that.

- Michael