MoI wishlist

 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.64 In reply to 6864.62 
Hi Umdee, thanks for your requests!

> 1. Customizable Viewport Navigation - I prefer MMB rotation, Alt + MMB panning,
> and Ctrl + MMB zooming. Currently, I use AutoHotkey to get this behavior, but it
> would be better if the option to do so were built into MoI.

You can get the first one, the MMB rotation by setting the option under Options > View > Rotate/Pan/Zoom options > "Rotate with middle button" checkbox (6th checkbox down on the left).

> 2. Pick Viewport Center - I would like to be able to press a button to set the
> viewport's center to a point directly under the mouse cursor and on an object. Perhaps,
> this is possible with scripting, but I'm not aware of any ray cast functions.

Try using the "Zoom area" button on the viewport bottom toolbar for this - the first point that you pick for the area to zoom in on will become the center of the new view, make the zoom rectangle fairly large to make for not much change in zoom in/out level.

- Michael