V3 beta Jun-27-2014 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
6790.41 In reply to 6790.38 
Hi Mike,

> Michael, just a suggestion: could it be possible, as a feature, to tell any of the added 'sync points' control
> curves to act as independent planar sections?
> This would be especially great for blend surfaces that twist and bend around complex edges.

I'm not really understanding how this would work, could you maybe describe in some more detail what an "independent planar section" would be?

The sync points will work in combination with planar sections already... When you set up sync points the blend will have a section right at those points.

Do you mean something like defining a new "up" direction at that location that's different than the main "up" direction? That would probably be quite complex, both in the UI for managing all kinds of different directions and also controlling how they ease-in/ease-out from the other ones.

> Of course, it would be cool to also allow for separate bulge. ;-)

Maybe in v4...

- Michael