V3 beta Jun-27-2014 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
6790.29 In reply to 6790.28 
@Mike K4ICY

> Please consider being able to push/pull curved surfaces via their normal... or a tie-in with shell,
> being able to do so on adjoined selected surface. (much later - for the V4 wish list)

It may be difficult to put it into Shell, because Shell already uses face selections to do something different, for determining where the openings will be in the shelled result.

But maybe it could fit ok as an option inside of Offset, I'd like to explore that in V4 at some point.

> Also... not to sure what to make of the "planar sections" in Blend. I get some crazy results.
> I suppose I'll wait to see your tutorial.

It should help in situations where you've got some tight bends in a closed shape. I'll post some info on it later today.

- Michael