Hmmm, what would cause this?...

 From:  WillBellJr
671.6 In reply to 671.5 
Yes, again it looks like it has to do with Lightwave's Perspective camera vs the Classic one which renders fine (of course that was also at work with my DELL and its lowly Intel (non-3D accelerating azz adapter...)

I would imagine that I'd get the same here at home though - I'll find out in a few...

As far as LW, yes, I have so much invested in Lightwave (coming in at v6.5); time, plugins, books etc., I'd hate to move on to something else over this but I'm not sure I'm as optimistic about Newtek improving this just because Modo is going to get improved, unless they're locked in some kind of never ending battle (reminds me of that Star Trek episode with Frank Gorshen; the half-black/half-white dudes... hmmm, seems like a fitting analogy :-p )

Yes, I would imagine Newtek has to stay competitive with Modo since basically (IMO) they're the same app - Modo is rapidly catching up as it is - I guess time will tell...
