Problem with shell and other newbie questions

 From:  Michael Gibson
6683.2 In reply to 6683.1 
Hi Glenn, to answer your additional questions first:

> As an additional question.
> I have noticed that when you join lines and for example revolve them, you will still get a
> surface which is cut into 2 surface sections
> Is there a way to solve this?
> Mainly to keep my drawing clean and not to have any unnecessary lines etc.

Yes, in general when you construct a surface from a joined curve, the segmentation of the curve will come through as separate faces in the generated result.

In order to avoid that, you will want to eliminate the segmentation in the curves before using them for construction.

Probably the easiest way to do that is to use the Rebuild command:

You can also fuse curve segments together by turning on control points and then selecting the point where 2 segments meet and deleting it.

Once you have done that, the curve should not then separate into different pieces when you use Edit > Separate on it.

> I also noticed that when you join or rejoin separated surfaces,
> that the seems remain.
> Is there a way to rebuild the surface or some other command to make
> the surfaces really into one surface?

Currently the Join command only glues edges together, it does not try to merge 2 surfaces into a single larger surface - right now there isn't any tool in MoI for doing that type of surface merging. I do want to add that in the future but the main thing to do currently is to focus on making your curves made up of single pieces instead of multiple segments.

- Michael