I was searching the forum here but didn't saw someone mentioned something regarding ImportObj script.
It seems like, if you have your objects in your other 3D app not perfectly world centered but instead somewhere in the scene - the ImportObj seems to completely ignore
object position/scale when imported in Moi3D, it will just import it in the center of the Moi3D scene. When you export back from Moi3D to other 3D app the object will not anymore be in the original position but instead centered in the middle of the scene.
What i usually do is when i model something in Maya and i see something would be just easier/faster/better to make in Moi3D, i will block it out and export as Obj then using ImportObj script import in Moi3D. At this point the object will not be anymore in original position/scale/rotation so when i am done working in Moi3D and export back to Maya i have to position/scale/rotate the object back in the original place again.
Is there a way currently for Moi3D and other 3D app get along nicely when import/export your object and for object to remember position/scale/rotation instead of, when you import obj, Moi3D to auto center it?