Polygonal Converter.

 From:  WillBellJr
6674.195 In reply to 6674.82 
After hearing all the good buzz about this plugin, I'm trying to get it going but after following the instructions of unzipping into the Commands folder and calling the script, I keep getting "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _subdiv_beta line 1..."

This is MoI v3.0 on Windows 8.1 Pro, I've already set MoI to run as administrator, which didn't help - what am I doing wrong?

I unzipped the htm and js files into the command folder and at first I created a command but now I'm just pressing tab and typing in:





None of those variations work for me?

I've tried both the Subdiv_Beta2 and the 0.5.2014 versions - no joy.

I'm also having the same issue with ImportObj - sigh, it's frustrating to see this 3D stuff work for others whereas for me, it seems to never "click"...

Any help appreciated...
