Hi Isaac - the main way to change the length is by Scale1d like Pilou showed above. Let me know if you need more help on how to use it.
But for a box there is another way too - you can select it and use Edit/Show pts to turn on control points for the box, then you can select individual points (or set of them, like the 4 points for the top), and then move or scale just those points.
You can't normally turn on points for just any solid, it only works if every surface in the solid has shared points touching along each edge, which is the case for a box though. For other solids that you can't edit points on, you can use Edit/Separate to break the solid into different surfaces and then do point editing on the individual surfaces.
But in general MoI is set up with the idea that you will be constructing the shape that you're looking for more directly, rather than squishing something else. So for example if you want a box that has a smaller top, you would normally draw 2 rectangles, one for the base and one for the smaller top, and then use Construct / Loft to build the box from those rectangles. That generates the tapered type box more directly.
- Michael