> I would like to know what exactly de diverence is between NURBS an Mesh.
Hi Isaac, there are a lot of details but I will try to sum it up.
A polygon mesh is made up of a bunch of points and then there are flat polygon facets that connect between the points to form a skin. The skin is what you see in a rendering, there are some shading tricks that are done to make it appear visually that the skin is smooth even though it is made up of little flat pieces.
A NURBS surface is also made up of points, but instead of connecting the points with flat pieces, mathematical formulas are used to blend the points together to make a smooth curve, called a "spline curve".
The nice thing about NURBS is that since it is a true curve it can more accurately represent a smooth surface than a bunch of flat little pieces can.
Now, there is a variant of polygons called "subdivision surfaces" which are actually related to NURBS but also have some differences.
If you want some more details on NURBS, you can look here:
- Michael