Learning the basics.

 From:  Michael Gibson
6617.30 In reply to 6617.29 
Hi David,

> One thing I'm not sure to understand is the last step. You did use flow with the blue
> curve to deform the resulting shape?
> What is the purpose of the straight red curve?

The Flow step used both the blue curve and also the red straight curve underneath it. That's how Flow works - it takes in a "base curve" and a "target curve", then remaps points from their relative position on the base curve onto the equivalent relative position on the target curve.

Usually the base curve will be a straight line running like a sort of backbone down the center of the thing you want to deform.

> The yellow curve is what I want and the purple curve is the result.
> How would you approach this?

It's tough for me to form a very good comment without being able to examine your actual geometry.

I'm confused as to why the projection does not match your drawn profile in the same 2D view, do you have the cutting curve placed at some kind of inclined angle or something? When you draw a 2D curve to cut with, the resulting cut in 3D should exactly match that same profile in the originating view.

- Michael