Geometry problems

 From:  Michael Gibson
656.55 In reply to 656.30 
Hi Jacobo, I have looked at the second bug you sent, the one where it looks strange after the fillet.

This one is a bug in the geometry library that I'm using, it will be too difficult for me to fix right now. For this one I will have to wait until I get an updated geometry library which I don't expect to do until after the initial 1.0 version.

Actually, if you save to a .3dm file and then re-load that .3dm file, you will then be able to perform the fillet without that problem. This is because when you do the initial IGES import, there is a special flag on the cylinder object that makes the geometry library do some special processing which is supposed to be faster and more accurate for cylinders. But this special processing is the thing that has the bug in it. After you save to .3dm and reload, those pieces no longer have that special cylinder flag on them, so they are processed just as general NURBS surfaces, which in this particular case actually works better.

- Michael