Geometry problems

 From:  Josugh
656.47 In reply to 656.45 
Hi Michael Gibson!!

I am the friend of Jacobo, I am testing a lot of CAD Files in MOI and is VERY GOOD!!!
I work also with Lightwave and I am so glad if you can make the LWO Exporter. Actually in my tests I export the files in Quad and Tri...
cause with n-gons it make a lot of mistakes lightawave in the moment that import the obj file.

I found some new Visualization Bugs that if I have time I report to you or to Jacobo.
I sent to Jacobo some Plastic - Cad Files for your testing :)

Thank you very much for this work.
I am a user of Rhino too and this new program seems to be REAL GOOD FOR ME :)

As I have time I make more tests and report to you and Jacobo..

Best Regards