Geometry problems

 From:  jacobo3d
656.3 In reply to 656.2 
Hi Michael,

Thanks so much for your response! I really appreciate it!

Despite some problems MoI seems to have to export some objects (like the one
I've sent you before), it does far the best IGES to OBJ conversion I've ever
tried. I've always been looking for something like this. When it works well, it does
it so good that I've started to model some stuff in MoI, because it's easier than
do it in a 'polygonal way'.
I'm doing more test to check what kind of problems I'm finding, and if you don't mind,
I'll post them in this thread if they help you in some way. I would really love to see those
bugs fixed with the IGES importing - OBJ exporting. That would be really great!

By the way, I use tablet all the time, and I really appreciate the way MoI is created.
And it's very easy to use, confortable, and nice.

Thanks again!!
