MoI UI redesign

 From:  Michael Gibson
6531.13 In reply to 6531.9 
Hi DesuDeus,

> And yes they downscale nicely because the lines, borders and so on are snapped to adjacent pixels.

That will be ok for these very simple and sparse ones, but not for drawings that are more complex with some more details in them.

Again, the problem is that things like the stroke width on a shrunken down vector image does not really scale exactly in proportion to the vectors, and so if you have for example 2 parallel lines that are close to each other it's fairly easy for the strokes on each of those lines to collide into one another in a shrunken down version.

If you don't believe me, just try making an icon that has some close together lines in it like ones that are separated only by 1 or 2 pixels and then see how that shrinks down as vectors.

This is a longstanding problem in vector graphics in general, for fonts there is a highly complex "hinting" mechanism that is used that alters the vector paths by nudging things around by small amounts when things are shrunken down.

- Michael