
 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6507.78 In reply to 6507.75 
Hi Pilou,

>> It was that I suspected: Object Library;C:\Program Files\MoI 3.0 beta Nov-19-2013\objects against Object Library;MoI\objects !!!

Object Library;MoI\objects? Of course it doesn't work :)
You should use a full path or MOI (all capitals) abbrevation.

>>After use the Max Smirnov SnapShot the "Area, Zoom, Pan, Reset" are not more visible on some views inside MOI!
Tried to reproduce this issue. Yes, "Area, Zoom, Pan, Reset" dissapears after language switching (my script switches language to disable viewport labels).
But seems it's a MoI bug. If you want to reproduce it follow the steps below:
1. Copy EnglishStrings.txt to TestStrings.txt
2. In the Options menu: Switch language to English, Switch to Test, then back to English.
3. It disappears.

>>And about The Lighting Options by Dinos? Where is it ? adress post ?

>>What is the installation with Max plugin?
Just download Dinos's LightingOptions.htm, and put it to ui/ folder (overwrite the original one)