
 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6507.75 In reply to 6507.74 
Not better! :(

Maybe because I am on Vista 32 bits ?

I have believed that the error was from "Moi" and not "MoI 3.0 beta Nov-19-2013" that I have on my arborescence
Object Library;MoI\objects original should be

Object Library;MoI 3.0 beta Nov-19-2013\objects
Object Library;C:\Program Files\MoI 3.0 beta Nov-19-2013\objects

Ok I erase all and reload all and now that works fine! :)

It was that I suspected: Object Library;C:\Program Files\MoI 3.0 beta Nov-19-2013\objects
Object Library;MoI\objects !!!

EDITED: 17 Feb 2014 by PILOU