
 From:  BurrMan
6507.66 In reply to 6507.65 
Hi Michael,
I reefing to this part of the plug here:
This addon dynamically generates list of all external scripts. Also it adds to the list some "hidden" MoI commands.
There is another version of this addon - ExtScriptsFull. It works exactly as ExtScripts, but It loads all MoI commands.
You can open with Notepad and edit "maxlines" value ( default 50 ) to change the maximum number of lines."""""""""""""""""

THis is the one that generates a flyout with commands listed in it. It traverses the MoI commands folder for this.

I keep my inline scripts in the MoI "Scripts" folder, which MoI looks in also, but you had mentioned before that scripts in there will be handled differently.

I altered Max's plug to also grab my inline scripts from MoI's Scripts folder, and also did some experiments with generating some extra sub folders in there too. Max's plug will actually grab them from my "my documents" folder if I direct it to.

So I guess I was just wondering if they run in the context they would normally be run as if MoI was running them with it's default behavior..