
 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.65 In reply to 6507.63 
Hi Burr,

> I was wondering what this does to MoI's "run commands and scripts differently" mechanism....

It shouldn't really do anything to it... the plugin uses the same controls that MoI's regular UI uses, so it should behave the same as other things.

> but was wondering what happens to this when things are run through Max's plugin?

Which part of the plug-in are you asking about? Which particular module I mean.

> Like, are the inline scripts in my scripts folder being run as commands now, when launched with Max's plug?

I wouldn't think so... But which part of the plug-in runs scripts from your scripts folder?

Normally only things in the commands folder are run as a command.

> Or, if I put commands, in a subfolder system, which Max's plug can access, are they then
> run out of commands control and only running as inline scripts?

I guess I'm not really sure of the details here... can you maybe be a little more specific about the exact subfolder that you're talking about (under "commands" ? Or under somewhere else? and what part of the plug-in handles this piece that you're asking about?

- Michael