
 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.56 In reply to 6507.55 
Hi Tom, basically the main goal behind MoI is to make it quick and simple to draw basic models, not really to be a big accumulation of a whole bunch of different tools just gathered together swiss army knife fashion...

That's why a "script organizer" just has not been a big priority so far. I do expect to get it to something along those lines in the future though, but there are only so many hours in the day and there are much more basic fundamental tools that I'm focused on first since they have a wider application to MoI's main goal.

> I would be happy with an "expert view" I guess.

Well, I guess you have exactly that with Max's CustomUI extension right here, don't you?

Basically I'm still right now in the process of working more on the fundamental tools in MoI, I just have not yet had the time to focus a lot of effort on extensions and scriptability, although as you can see from Max's work there is a lot you can do with scripting already right now. At some point in the future I should be able to focus a lot more attention on the general area of scripting and make a lot of improvements geared towards that, including stuff for helping both script authors and also consumers of scritps as well. But only once I've got more of the fundamentals covered to a greater degree.

- Michael