
 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
6507.476 In reply to 6507.473 
Hi Michael,

> For the other ones, if you want only those command buttons to not have icons you would need to add something to distinguish them from the other command buttons like adding a class="noicon" to them, and then put in a rule in the top of the document to hide the icons in things that have a class named "noicon" which would be something like this:

moi\:CommandButton.noicon > img, moi\:CommandMenuButton.noicon > img, moi\:CommandSplitButton.noicon > img {

Instead of Doing above I went to -> AppData\Roaming\Moi\startup and there I opened .JS files responsible for custom ui icons in there I put "//" before the line that starts with : var icon = "....

In other words I deactivate that part. the icons disappear from the command bar or browser pan area.

My question is that was it a safe move? or it will cause me problems?