
 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.433 In reply to 6507.432 
Hi Maysky,

> Ok, So what has to happen for a ShortCut-access-point to be created in the MOI4 customUI?

First copy the HTML file for it from the v3 CustomUI which is at customui\mods\ . Put that into the appdata\Moi\customui folder where there should be other .htm files like "" and "".

Then inside the appdata\Moi\startup folder, make a copy of the "80 Scripts.js" file and name it "82 Shortcuts.js" . Edit the new file "82 Shortcuts.js" and change where it has:
var title = "Scripts";
to instead have
var title = "Shortcuts";

and also where it has:
var menu = "moi://appdata/customui/";
to instead have:
var menu = "moi://appdata/customui/";

Then you should have a Shortcuts button next to Scripts on the bottom toolbar that will work the same as it did in the V3 CustomUI. I think the way it is set up is it will show a menu of shortcut keys that have script code in them where there is a comment marked with a ! sign in it, like if you have a shortcut key set up like this:
script: /*!Invert selection*/ moi.geometryDatabase.invertSelection();

that will display as an "Invert selection" item on that Shortcuts menu.

- Michael