
 From:  Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
Hi Guys :)
Found few things I'd like to know.

1. Now when I open MoI with Darktheme I see almost all icons (or sections?) collapsed.
Is there a way of choosing which sections will be opened at startup. I'm noob-programmer.

2. @Michael. maybe hint for later release. Would it be possible to map a command into Options> shortcut keys> map a command by clicking on something?
e.g. User want to assign simple 'Move' command to a shortcut keys so when there is a space to enter command, user would click command icon in moi interface and click will be "translated" into input window.
But I will find move command in manual or somewhere so I know how to do it. But if it's simple enough programming, you can implement it in the future for moi beginners :)

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