
 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.245 In reply to 6507.241 
Thanks for the update Max! That's great that it goes in AppData now.

I've been thinking that for the next beta how about if I have MoI look through some specific directory in AppData for any .js files and if any are found it will execute them. I'll also put in an empty named container element in CommandBar.htm by default that can be used as a target for where to insert controls. Then with that in place hopefully it wouldn't be needed to modify CommandBar.htm anymore and CustomUI would stay active between different releases.

A couple of issues are - what should the directory containing scripts to execute at startup be called, maybe just plain "startup" ? I guess there should also be a "commands" and "scripts" directory that you could make there as well. But then will having MoI look in 2 different commands directories for things cause problems since currently there's only one that is identified by moi.filesystem.getCommandsDir() ? And what should happen if there is a file with the same name in both places, which one should be actually loaded?

Also when should startup scripts run - probably just before the main window is shown?

- Michael