
 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.192 In reply to 6507.190 
Hi Jesse, in recent versions of Windows, the operating system tries to prohibit programs from changing anything under c:\Program Files other than when it was installed, as a way to keep things from being messed with by viruses and things like that.

Since the CustomUI Snapshots directory is in there, that means that by default it won't be writable.

But if you give a program elevated privileges it will then allow it to write stuff there.

One way to give a program elevated privileges is to right-click it and choose "Run as administrator". If you do that, does the snapshot function start to work ok for you during that run? If so then you can set it to always run as administrator by right-clicking the shortcut, go to Properties, Compatibility tab and there's a checkbox at the bottom "Run this program as an administrator", if you set that the shortcut will always launch it with elevated privileges.

It would probably be better to have the snapshots folder located somewhere that was writable by default, like under %AppData%\Moi\snapshots, that way it would work without needing the program to have elevated privileges.

- Michael