
 From:  David (BLEND3D)
6507.161 In reply to 6507.147 
Hi guys,

I just rebooted my aging Dell Precision 390 workstation from WinXP Pro to Win7 Enterprise (both 32 bit) since MS dropped XP support this month. I just added the Custom UI to my clean March MoI Beta install. Wow, this is so cool! I love MoI and you just made it better, THANK YOU to all involved!!!

Like some others in this thread I had some issues with things not working such as Snapshot and the "+" feature in the Object Lib. All of that has been resolved by running MoI in Admin Mode.

Only one minor issue is still lingers and that is the view-port nav buttons disappearing for a while and then coming back after a while. The "Reset all" button in the panel always works so this is not major but oddly I can't seem to nail down what will bring it back up. I may have to do a few operations to the model in a given view-port or hit the "Reset all" button and they will appear in one view. But if I leave that view to work in another view it will not come up in the active one.

If any one has a solution that would be very helpful.

David W.