
 From:  BurrMan
6507.159 In reply to 6507.158 
Ok Frenchy I figured out what you were asking.

You don't put "all your inline scripts" into 1 single file. You make a single js file for each one. Then, the name of that file is available to MoI's command entry area by typing the name, and Max's ui plug will also read them and display them....

So file "100GradientStyles.js" contains this text:

script: /* Make gradient styles */ var red = 12, green = 15, blue = 20; for ( var i = 1; i <= 100; ++i ) { var style = moi.geometryDatabase.addStyle(); = 'Gradient ' + i; style.color = ((red%256)<<16) | ((green%256)<<8) | (blue%256); red += 2; green += 3; blue += 7; }