Looooong time to load files

 From:  mjs (MSHIDELER)
6492.11 In reply to 6492.10 
This conversation brings up a question for me.

Michael, what if you happen to receive IGES and you have no control over what that receivable is going to be and someone just man-crushes the IGES.

Are there things that you can do in MoI to get the file to work better, aside from the solutions offered such as mesh and disable auto-join?

Would an export into some other file format out of MoI and then back into MoI help to make an IGES more workable? Or performing various joins after the model is imported and then saving it out as 3dm?

Not that I see IGES much anymore, but in the day that was a common occurrence for me. Perhaps if there is a fix for files like that it could also be macro'd (if import, some commands, export some other format, import again, save final as MoI).

I am only assuming that not much can be done as you got what you got, but I am curious (and a little prayerful) that there is a solution that speeds things up.

Or if someone even knows of a import / export program that can help.
