Fillet trouble on converging edges

 From:  Michael Gibson
6479.4 In reply to 6479.1 
Yeah you might be looking for a "variable radius fillet" here, if you want the fillet to shrink down as it approaches that converging area.

With a regular fillet, the fillets from both sides will collide into one antoher some distance from that, see the attached 3DM file.

I constructed these fillets using surface/surface filleting, that's where you can break your model down into individual surfaces and then select 2 surfaces a time to fillet, rather than selecting edges.

Surface/surface filleting can sometimes help to construct some fillet surfaces to use for further construction where the edge-based filleter gets confused. But you then have to manually deal with trimming things up and also filling in corner juncture areas where fillets collide into one another.

But anyway, if you wanted something where the fillets shrink down to little pointy ends rather than just running into each other as in the attached model that would be a variable radius fillet that you'd want there.

- Michael