(Devil's Advocate question) Compare MOI to...

 From:  angeliclight

I am still new to 3D and trying to get a grasp with not only 3D concepts but what the various software packages do. It is with this last bit in mind that I'd like to ask a question. (I obviously realize modeling/rendering/animating are completely separate steps in the pipeline, so with MOI being modeling-only, I would only ask for answers relating to this.)

I COULD, if I wanted to, try as many demos of other software as I could spare the time to learn. However, already spending money on some that I am now regretting after finding MOI, I am wondering what you others with more 3D modeling experience love about MOI as compared to...(YOU fill in the blank).

I am a MOI customer no matter what, but I am wanting to know what the major benefits MOI has over some of the other software apps, not just as much to "know what I am missing" but more to know what's INCLUDED that I could appreciate not having to do in those other apps.

I know that some other apps use other ways of modeling, like Sub-D, etc, but I have no need or interest in doing organic models (mostly just mechanical or architectural).

I guess, too, I just don't want to be hyped by some slick marketing on another package that wouldn't even be as productive as MOI in certain situations.

Sorry for making this long and drawn-out, and I hope at least I explained the issue well enough.

Take care, all,

- A