[script] FxGraph - 2D/3D Function plotter

 From:  bemfarmer
6447.83 In reply to 6447.82 
Hi Psygorn,

That is the latest version of FxGraph3D, as far as I know.
(Except that the nodeeditor program MathPts performs more or less the same as FxGraph3D. Inputs a,b,c,d can be added.)

The two files FxGraph3D.exe and the .htm file, (I use _FxGraph3D.js and _FxGraph3D.htm), can be placed in the MoI command folder, OR (for myself) it goes in %APPDATA% \commands folder with all of my other "non_stock" MoI programs, (excepting nodeeditor node programs.). (CustomUI can access the program.) (Or Shortcut key)

Parameters for FxGraph3D can be added manually,
or else a string of values matching the manual entries can be (Tab) copy pasted from say a text editor, into the command window, enter.
Or see Michael's and Burr's method earlier in this thread.

Edit: Added 3D suffix.

- Brian