[script] FxGraph - 2D/3D Function plotter

 From:  bemfarmer
6447.47 In reply to 6447.42 
Thank you Michael. (I was trying to do some .js with #include _FXGraph3d...)

To implement Michael's code shown in post above, what I did was to create a file called _LeafSinh.js, in notepad++, and copy Michael's code to said file.
Then the _LeafSinh.js file was copied to the MoI3Command folder.
Now the "Leaf" FXGraph3D script can be selected, in MoI, from Ext.Scripts, Max's custom UI.

I think that I recall Burr setting up separate External Scripts files, so I plan to make one for just FXGraph3D scripts (?)
I'll have to look up how to do that...

- Brian

EDITED: 26 Jul 2017 by BEMFARMER