Any thoughts about a VR - Oculus Rift mode?

 From:  Bard (BFM)
6430.8 In reply to 6430.4 
Michael : Because the words: "excited Oculus and "real world" on a screen." it's a portal opened to say a big obscenity as "False is True", "3D Simulation is Real world", "Black is White", and others falsehoods, untruths; and I add always after: "Et mon cul c'est du poulet", "And my bottom it's chicken", pet, love, letters: and the suite is: "If it had two wings, it would fly". That damages, or offences all the planet as clericalism of romA, killer of Amor; and the verb "to excite" takes all its sense with exhibitionism in filthy show of Miley Circus, henceforth synonym of Peripatetic. The word "Groin" is not crude, that means "Pig-nose, snout, nose = truffe" in French; the french word is "Aine", more nice than the "Pelvis" of pedantic or doctoral idolatrous, or worst, adulatory. It's not my fault if people have no letters, or wrong things in the head, taken in schools, churches, slaveries, televisions, radios, press, for servants, domestics, and other lackeys of capital (totally inflated, cracked up, this word). Well!

Sorry, I'm Man of Arts; not a spurious censor.

For info: an "OCULUS" is an "ANUS", a Macaronee term holding "O'Cul" = At Bottom; said falsely for "Small-Eye", hole closed, occulted, or covered a globe". In reality, it's given for a "big-ox-eye" in architecture, a specy window at the top of a dome (coupole, cup, cap).

Be clear; when somebody, same here, made the sales promotion for an "Oculus = Anus" after the verb "to excite", I fell a bad smell from this orifice closed. Yes! Orifice, from "Oris = Mouth", always from dead Macaronee, not a real language, but a jargon imagined for sect's members or phallus, religiosity in a party = genital part; that divides; pull apart, cut, separate, & full of others meanings that I won't say here in a 3D real dump, cattle or human fair, market = Forum, place to buy slaves males and females (Where is the females?).

Ok! You go to erase this intervention = manifestation, action of what it is existing, real, present, true, concrete. It's omnidirectional, more 3 Dimensions, not easy to draw it in flat perspectives on a screen. It is a necessity to erase, now that I know you can do it, Mister the Censor (LOL!!!).

Happy MoI.