Any thoughts about a VR - Oculus Rift mode?

 From:  Michael Gibson
6430.11 In reply to 6430.10 
Hi rhadiem,

> You wouldn't need to display anything inside the 3d, just the model. Does this make sense?

But then wouldn't you need to take on and off the whole device whenever you wanted to actually draw something?

I'm just not sure how much actual usefulness that would have, I mean it would definitely be fun but it's kind of a lot of investigation and work involved even to get to that point... It's sort of difficult for me to find the time for stuff that might not deliver a whole lot of specific usefulness to the end result.

Are there any viewer applications that can just load a 3D model from an .obj file for example? Maybe setting up a shortcut key that would just save to an OBJ file and then fire up the viewer program would do about the same level of thing that you're asking about...

- Michael