Question about MOI background processing behavior

 From:  JohnFredC
642.4 In reply to 642.3 
Hi Michael

In the process of following your suggestions about the honeycomb I have discovered a few things.

1. MOI fails "silently". I decided to give MOI a whole night (6-8 hours) to attempt the boolean. In the morning. MOI was still in "Calculating..."/hourglass mode plus the MOICommandProcessor entities were not consuming cycles and there were no memory deltas. Instead of purging, I clicked the MOI close button. It promptly asked me of I wanted to save my model (I didn't), then closed cleanly. Obviously the boolean had failed without a message. There should be a message of some kind and MOI returned to user control.

2. I rescaled (as you suggested) and tried the same boolean, but this time there was a crash popup with the button to email the crash report. This dialog was unresponsive and I had to purge MOI.

3. I then attempted a simpler boolean (an open instead of closed curve for the cutting object) on a subset of honeycomb. That boolean completed successfully!


The number of "mouse-over" display artifacts that I reported here: in this new model is many! I have attached some images. As you can see, they appear simply in response to moving the mouse around the viewports. IMHO there appears to be a correlation between using the boolean difference on an object and the display artifacts... almost as if MOI calculates extraneous points and sends them to the display engine intermittently. As I said in that other thread, Rhino used to have these things (prior to V1). I was running on a different video card back then, but it was ATI, also.

I have 1Gb of RAM and 8Gb of swap on two drives.

This model is just for fun and for learning MOI, therefore not important to me to complete. But do you want me to continue to report these kinds of issues?