>I'd definitely recommend updating your video drivers...
Man, I'm gettin' tired of hearing that. No offense (and I am NOT trying to be belligerent, here, and I sure don't want to alienate you, because this app shows real promise and I'm here to help), but that's what everbody says as the first default response; coders, users, you name it. "Update your video drivers." It's become a throwaway cliche anymore. Continually trying out new video drivers gets to be a pain after a short while and certainly tends to break other apps that are working. One of these boxes has a Quadro and the drivers I'm using are the latest for it. 91.85 is what NT is using on their new Quadros and it works great for all of my other OGL apps. Once I find a good set of drivers that work across the board for my mainstream apps, it will take a lot to get me to take a flyer and experiment.
>The full XP crash is a sign that something is going wrong at the video driver level.
Might be *a* sign, but not the only one. Note that this only happens when the (crash) dialog shows, not when MoI slows the machine to a crawl. This time, I had to kill MoI while sitting at the (crash) dialog after hitting the Close button and waiting 10 minutes for it to do something before doing so. That's when it crashed to black screen. The dialog box had focus.
>It's still possible that MoI is sending bad data to the video card or something, but I'm somewhat more suspicious of the driver itself right now. If you update your driver to the latest version you can take that part out of the equation.
Can't buy that absolute conclusion. The latest video drivers can't fix all things all of the time and some definitely go in the other direction. Rhino2 opens and translates the file just fine with these drivers, as do a couple of other apps, so I'm more suspicous of MoI. Again, I don't want to make you angry by any means but this hasn't been my experience and I'd like to help find a solution.
Something caused a really *nice* wireframe with all edges and curves displayed, and I mean REALLY nice! Zooming was smooth at larger factors, translation and tumbling was responsive. Perhaps I have found the wireframe mode that you are looking for. Creating a new cylinder sure looked weird; circle with a vertical line at tangent with another circle above tangent to it but, hey, if a wireframe can be developed and a complex model will open and be worked on, I'm all for it 'cuz it was nice. ...If I only could figure out what triggered it.