Tapering and Bending

 From:  RHolmes (RICOHOLMES)
6277.25 In reply to 6277.20 
Thank you guys SO much for the feedback and education.

And Michael, sorry for the scare there. I absolutely believed the facility was there, just not immediately apparent. You've already made sure everything else is present that I could think of in MOI, so how could that have been missed ? It wasn't :)

Your implementation really is elegant.. it was just missing the tutorial Burr posted (thank you so much, Burr). I'm beaming right now, and feel empowered again. It was the same feeling I got when discovering the power of your implementation of curves and Booleans.

Another question:
How did you make an industry level competing CAD program as enjoyable and addictive as Lego?
Sorry for gushing, but to me that's real genius.