Local Coordinates ?

 From:  kevjon

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of the edit frame but it does have its limitations.

I am often using them to scale cross sections for wings and fuselage for lofting purposes except I am scaling them in the end on direction (trying to scale the red cross sections in the image below to match the wing thickness).

Once I rotate one of those cross sections (eg to match the angle of the wing), I can no longer use the edit frame because it squashes the profile out of shape because the edit frame doesn't work on local coordinates (see attached image).

Your feature request is a million miles long, so I only put it out there that edit frames working on local coordinates of the object would be very useful.

Also having a gimble option that you can turn on and off that works with points and objects would and also works for local coordinates would be very useful, especially for those people doing more organic, freeform type modelling that doesn't require absolute precision.
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