Local Coordinates ?

 From:  kevjon

Thanks for the tip about shake to scale. I just tried it out and it seems to scale the whole object up and down in size rather than in one direction only (along the normal) like SCALE 1D.

When working in 3D just about everything is placed at weird angles so having the ability to align the edit frame with the objects normal would make it more useful if you just need to scale it in one axis.

If we use a cube as an example. I have rotated it in 3D so it is no longer aligned to the XY plane.
In polygon modellers you can then align the scale widget to the normal of the object and can then grab any of the handles to scale the object in 1D along that axis.

The second image shows how MoI works, when you try to scale along any of the axis you distort your cube.

Hopefully this example explains it better ?
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