Local Coordinates ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
6273.2 In reply to 6273.1 
Hi Stav, MoI does not maintain a separate local coordinate system for every individual object.

But there are various ways to get what you need - one method is to use View > CPlane to set the construction plane, that will then alter the primary coordinate system that's used for picking points and drawing things. After you place the CPlane you can then use Transform > Rotate and it will rotate in that particular plane.

You can also use the Transform > Rotate > Rotate Axis command to rotate around any specific axis you want by picking the 2 points for the axis line. When you're in the 3D view you can then snap on to any face for picking the rotation axis line, that works like this:

Similarly for the Transform > Scale commands you specifically pick the origin of the scale so snap that on to the location you want to scale around.

You'll want to have "Object Snap" and "Straight Snap" both enabled on the bottom toolbar when doing these transforms so that you'll get the kind of snaps that you see in the screencap above.

- Michael