Boolean Problems

 From:  Jesse
625.6 In reply to 625.5 
One work-around that some people use for objects that won't Boolean because of coincendental
surfaces is to either scale or move one of the objects by 1.005 or so before you do the Boolean,
which positions the surfaces out of tolerance just enough, so that MoI knows which surface goes where. Usually scaling one of them works, but if it's a stubborn one, you might have to move it, too. I had one like that last week that was killing me, so I finally gave up on trying to fix my model and moved one object by .005, and boom, it Booleaned like a champ! When you're modeling for production, you can't always afford to model with "elegance" but to just get the job done. :-) It will look the same to everyone, but you. :-) For jewelry design, it makes no difference in the finished prototype, but I guess for some industries, it could mess things up.
If you try scaling the torpedo in your model by 1.001, the Boolean will work.


Edit: I should add that Michael's approach is the preferred one. The scale/move technique is sort of hack that would be better to use as a last step after all your other modeling work is done.

EDITED: 23 May 2007 by JESSE