New User lots of questions

 From:  Michael Gibson
624.11 In reply to 624.7 
Hi Ypnos,

> Is there any way I could request more video tutorials from the smart guys
> in the forum? Those are really helpfull for modelling noobies like me.

I'm sure that they will make more as time goes on. I'm also planning on doing several myself once the software is complete. That won't be too much longer.

> That is why I'm thinking about. Check out this website.....

Yup, that's the kind of form that can work well in MoI. That's the type of stuff where the quick tools that handle standard architecture quickly don't really help you.

> - Can things be grouped - or made into 'componants' like in sketchup - 'blocks' in AutoCad?

Not in version 1.0. That's definitely something that I want to add in a future version though.

> - How much will the program cost when it is first released?

It will be around US $200.

> Any idea when the initial release is schedule for?

Pretty soon! I wanted to have it finished by now already... But a few things have been taking longer than I had expected. But I'd say within a couple of months the 1.0 release should be ready.

The software itself is nearly ready, once I polish up some stuff and add a couple of more things the software for 1.0 will be complete and then I will switch gears to work on documentation for about a month or so before the whole thing is finished.

Then there will be a lot more stuff to add in future versions!

- Michael