> Is the bitmap output resolution determined by screen resolution?
No, it uses a software renderer that I just wrote so it's not really connected to the screen resolution. For a perspective view it will use the same shape (the same aspect ratio) as the current view though, but can use more pixels than what's currently on the screen.
> Can we specify the dpi or pixel dimensions on output?
I think the way this one will work is you'll be able to specify a resolution in megapixels, like tell it to use 15 megapixels and that controls the pixel density. For an ortho view it positions the bitmap to cover all the objects being processed, and for a perspective view it fits it in the same aspect ratio as the current view.
> Also, is this a grayscale only output or will it reflect the style color assignments?
It will use your style colors, it will basically look like the viewport looks but with silhouettes added.
- Michael